Equi-glo Beet (10 min. Soak)

(VAT Free)
1 in stock
18 kg
  • Highly palatable and versatile feed for all horses and ponies
  • Low in starch and sugar so ideal for sensitive horses and ponies, and those who require extra metabolic, digestive or muscle support
  • Helps maintain good hydration
  • Provides an excellent supply of non-heating, steady energy for working horses and ponies, and can reduce starch levels in hard working horse diets when used as a replacement for more traditional hard feed
  • Provides a calm, non-heating* method of condition gain for thin horses
  • Enhances the digestion of structural fibre eg from hay, in the hindgut
  • Rich in calcium, and ideal balancer for straight cereals and bran
  • Convenient, easy to prepare quick-soak
  • More hygienic in hot weather than 24 hour soak beet
  • Suitable for all year round feeding
  • A natural British superfood for all horses and ponies
  • Non-GM

    How to Prepare

    Mix 1 part 10 Minute Beet® with 5 parts cold water by weight e.g. 200g of 10 Minute Beet® would require 1 litre of water. Allow the flakes to soak for 10 minutes. Soaked Flakes can be fed immediately or stored (in a cool place) for convenience for the next feed, for up to 24 hours. Only make up enough 10 Minute Beet® for the next feed.

    Using hot water will reduce soaking time to 5 minutes. WARNING: DO NOT FEED DRY

    Ready in just 10 minutes.

    Adjust the amount to suit the individual horse or pony

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